Peaches and Plumbs Booksellers

The New Dr. Price Cook Book


The New Dr. Price Cook Book


“What shall I have for Breakfast, Luncheon, Dinner, or Supper?”

The mission of the Dr. Price Cook Book was to always supply the right answer to this question, “What shall I have for Breakfast, Luncheon, Dinner or Supper?”

The results were a delightful surprise. When planning a meal, just look through the pages and get an answer to the question, “What shall we eat?”

The 1920s were roaring.

In the world of food, things were looking up. Scientists were busy researching vitamins, and consumers were eating accordingly: more fruits, vegetables, and milk.

Farms were producing more than ever, and the process of canning foods perfected during World War I now made produce available across the country—in all seasons.
In presenting these recipes—recipes of universal appeal— the greatest care had been taken to select only those that were popular in most every home—easily prepared by the beginner but so excellent that they would add new laurels even to the reputation of the expert; tasty offerings such as Parker House Rolls, waffles, marble cake, salmon croquettes, chicken pie, planked fish, and roast loin of pork to name just a few.


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