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On Secret Service


On Secret Service


“We were sitting in the lobby of the Willard, Bill Quinn and I, watching the constant stream of politicians, pretty women, and petty office seekers who drift constantly through the heart of Washington…”

William Nelson Taft’s unique collection of stories— On Secret Service – about the clever, observant men and women who protect America with great skill take you on a stirring ride through a now bygone era.

The episodes in Taft’s compilation are based on real cases solved by government agents, comprised of authentic stories, dramatized, while remaining true to the actual incidences.

Created initially in 1865, the U.S. Secret Service continued to expand over the years, particularly following the assassination of President McKinley in 1901.

Today, the United States Secret Service has grown into a large federal law enforcement agency under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, charged with conducting criminal investigations and protecting the nation's leaders.

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