Peaches and Plumbs Booksellers

Rex Beach - Rainbow's End


Rex Beach - Rainbow's End


When Rainbow’s End was first published, the reviews were extraordinary.

“Mr. Beach has written the best, the most illuminating novel of the Cuban struggle for independence we remember having read. It is historical romance in the best sense of the words, reviving many a forgotten memory of American daring and enterprise in support of the cause.”

- The New York Tribune

“Rainbow’s End is a spirited tale worthy of the man who wrote The Spoilers and The Silver Horde.”

- The New York World

REX BEACH (1877–1949) was an American novelist and playwright. His adventure novels, influenced by Jack London, were immensely popular. Beach produced numerous novels, set variously in the Yukon, Panama, Florida, and the Texas oil fields. Besides The Spoilers, three other novels were among the year’s top-10 bestsellers: The Barrier (1908), The Silver Horde (1909), and The Net (1912).


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