Peaches and Plumbs Booksellers

Looking Backward: 2000 - 1887


Looking Backward: 2000 - 1887


Published in 1888, Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward  2000-1887, has been hailed as one of the most remarkable books ever published in America, one that created almost immediately upon its appearance, its own nationwide political mass movement. It was the third-largest bestseller of its time, only Ben-Hur and Uncle Tom’s Cabin surpassing it in sales.

This science-fiction memoir, one of the finest, most influential “Utopian” novels ever written, follows the adventures of a Mr. Julian West, who falls asleep in the Boston of 1887—and somehow awakens in the year 2000, to find that the era of capitalism has long been replaced by a new social order, an era of mutual co-operation between peoples and nations, including the complete emancipation of women, and one in which every citizen receives a guaranteed income and education regardless of race, religious belief, nationality, or gender.

Amazingly, he foretold of astounding technological advances to come, including the wiring of homes for the transmission of news and music, and other information at the touch of a finger, as well as the use of credit cards and vast shopping centers.

Of course, his story would not be complete without the inclusion of a tender love story.

Praise for Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward: 2000-1887

“This vivid adaptation by New York Times critically acclaimed director and author Philip Dossick, has been acclaimed as the most accessible version of Edward Bellamy’s brilliant novel. Philip Dossick superbly renders its dialogue and action with unique clarity and elegance.”
  — A.G. Stegnall

“A quick read. A great read. What makes this series of classic adaptations so successful is the way they have been lovingly crafted. Near perfect, they honor their source material and capture the humor, the drama, the passion, the excitement, the sheer narrative exuberance, that have made each of these works timeless classics.”
— Sheppard Jacinto

PHILIP DOSSICK is the New York Times critically acclaimed writer and director of the motion picture The P.O.W. He has written for television, including the outstanding drama, Transplant, produced by David Susskind for CBS. His most recent books include Aztecs: Epoch Of Social Revolution, Sex And Dreams, Mark Twain In Seattle, and Raymond Chowder And Bob Skloot Must Die.

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