Peaches and Plumbs Booksellers

The Double


The Double


FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY (1821-1881), one of the greatest Russian authors, transformed the art of fiction. Author of numerous novels and short stories, including Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, and The Brothers Karamazov, he is considered to be a literary colossus, and a central figure in the development of the modern novel.

Perhaps the most significant of the Russian novelist's existential classics, (1846) The Double offers a surprisingly modern hallucinatory nightmare in which a minor Russian government official named Mr. Golyadkin becomes aware of a mysterious doppelgänger–a man with his exact face and name who relentlessly begins to displace him with his friends and colleagues.

Mr. Golyadkin's life soon spirals ever downward into neurosis and paranoia as Dostoevsky’s familiar themes of helplessness, victimization, and scandal are beautifully woven into a claustrophobic masterwork that Vladimir Nabokov called “The best thing Dostoyevsky ever wrote. The Double is a perfect work of art.”


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