Kim is Rudyard Kipling's beloved story of the orphan Kim, who makes his living by begging on the streets, knows how to scrounge up a hot meal in India's bustling city of Lahore, how to scamper catlike across rooftops, and disguise himself as a local and conceal his Anglo heritage.
To Kim, these are just ways to be free. To colonial British intelligence, they're skills it knows will be useful when they recruit Kim to spy.
Kim meets an aged Tibetan Lama on a journey to find the mythical "River of the Arrow."
Becoming his disciple, Kim joins the Lama to travel along the Grand Trunk Road.
RUDYARD KIPLING (1865-1936) was a Nobel Prize winning English poet, short-story writer and novelist. Numerous authors were strongly influenced by Kipling's writing and Kipling has garnered high praise from writers as varied as Jorge Luis Borges, Poul Anderson, and Randall Jarrell who wrote that, “After you have read Kipling's best stories you realize that few men have written this many stories of this much merit, and that very few have written better stories.” His Captains Courageous, The Jungle Book and Kim, are regarded as his masterworks.