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Emma Goldman: Anatomy Of Dissent


Emma Goldman: Anatomy Of Dissent


“If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.”

 Emma Goldman was notorious. She was a radical feminist. She was an anarchist. She advocated Free Love. Atheism. Birth control. Equality for Women.

Often called “the most dangerous woman in America,” she stood trial for “inciting to riot” and “illegally distributing information about birth control.”

She was involved in a conspiracy to murder industrialist Henry Frick. She was thought to have inspired the assassination of U.S. President William McKinley. She was deported in 1919 for organizing against the U.S. military draft in World War I, (“inducing persons not to register”) and in 1940, died in Toronto.

The three essays in Emma Goldman: Anatomy Of Dissent are a brief introduction to her audacity and rebelliousness.

They demonstrate how in time she would become a lasting symbol throughout the world for her opposition to the domination and repression of a powerless citizenry by governments, corporations, and violent authority.


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